Sunday, May 29, 2011

Your Mission Possible, Writing Your Personal Mission Statement

by Kris Pitcher

You have purpose in your life. You know in your heart what's most important to you. But, do you have a personal mission statement?

Your mission and values are expressed every day in how you live your life. What exactly have you been expressing? Living your life with purpose requires you life it on purpose. Hmm. What I mean is, you must be deliberate, about living to your values in order to carry out your "mission possible". Make yourself a cup of tea and get a piece of paper. You're going to want to jot some thoughts down.

Where do you begin in crafting your mission statement? Starting with passion makes sense. What do you love to do in your work? And, more importantly, what do you love to do in your personal life?

Listing your talents is a good next step. What is it you're good at, enjoy - don't be shy. What are your natural gifts? Ready for a big one...if you had unlimited time, and were guaranteed to be successful, what would you do?

Forty years from now, what would you like people to say about your contribution? What would you like people to say about your life's work, about your character, about the impact you've made?

Who has strongly influenced you in your life? What attributes did they impress upon you? These kinds of questions help you to get clear on what you value, on what you're passionate about and on what you'd like to accomplish in your life (vs. in your work).

Putting the answers together you can create a mission statement that expresses who you are and what your purpose is. Now all you have left is to begin to live your life to your mission possible. It's exciting really, to think about doing what you might if you were guaranteed success...Get busy! Life is waiting and so is your success!

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