Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Letter to My Diet

by Kris Pitcher

Dear Diet,

I'm really about to go out and find something else. It's not you, it's me. I mean, you've been good...I just feel like I want to cheat on you.

Sure, we've made a lot of progress. Yeah, it's working. We're working! But then I feel like I want to do what other couples are doing...

I know, it sounds so stupid. We're working. I'm seeing changes, but...I want something different.

See, I want something different - but I still want what WE have. Can't I have it both ways?

I mean, you said this would be long-term...and I did agree to be exclusive. But how LONG?! How long will it just be you and me?

What if I want something for me? What if I want...more...than 4 ounces at a time...

Yes, yes I want to make it to my goal. Yes! I see my body changing because of what we are doing together. And yes, I want that for myself...for the long haul.

And yes, I realize you're more than a diet to are my way of eating now...we are in this together because of what we can do and because of what we want.

Diet, we're in this together and you just have to know that there are days I don't love you. I guess that's normal. I feel like we can move ahead now that you know how I feel. Thank you for listening.



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