Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Taste Challenge

by Kris Pitcher

I might have told you that the week before I started my "diet" I just went back to my actual plan. What that meant was not extras. No extra bites of this, or licks of that. And in just one week of doing that...I'd lost a pound.

One pound! Then, someone smarter than me gave herself a challenge. No bites, licks or tastes. Think about that. While you're preparing meals, lunches, snacks for yourself or the bites. Not one lick, not one taste of what you're preparing. Not one. Could you do it?

There's a lot of mindless tasting going on. Lots of finishing the kids toasted cheese sandwiches, or french toast or whatever is left on their plates as you're clearing away dishes. Think of all the bites...yes, ALL the bites.

Think of the licks. Sure it's just a lick of peanut butter after making a sandwich for the kids. But, I didn't just fall off a turnip truck and I know what a knife full of peanut butter and jelly can do for you. Think of adding that up over a week, two weeks...sure, it's just a lick.

I was guilty of eating a few almonds each time I weighed out my ounce and put it in my container to take to work. What bites are you sneaking? What extras have widened your plan?

What if you challenged yourself to no bites, no licks, no tastes? I say, take the no taste challenge and see what you can do to put yourself on course. Eat what is on your plan, without the extras.

If you find there is food going to waste in the household, make smaller portions for the kids. You could always make another half a sandwich if they want more. You don't need to be eating what they leave behind.

Try it for two weeks and see what happens. Be mindful of where your bites come into play. Stick to your plan by taking the no taste challenge. Little things make big changes, and this one's proof of that! 

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