Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Abs & Glutes! On The Road

by Kris Pitcher

On my way into work yesterday I slowed down to allow the tailgater behind me to close the slight gap between us. As he did, I could see he had his chin up to the rear view mirror as he glided his razor around his face. He was trying to get closer so I could get a better look at his skills.  How smart, I thought! I could be saving myself a lot of time if I had an electric razor. As he passed me in his midnight blue Caravan, I wondered if I could get both legs done on my way to work...

It got me thinking about other health and beauty rituals we might be able to do in the car. You know, simply for time saving purposes. Flossing, not safe. Besides I think the steering wheel is dirty. I do see people brush their teeth but I'm not sure about where I'd spit. While I try to take care of those kinds of things at home, there are a few things you can do safely in the car. And with a smile on your face.

Let's take the pelvic-tilt abdominal crunch for instance. Drawing your belly button toward your spine as you contract your abdominals, tilting your pelvis back. Think of your pelvis like a bucket. When your hips are neutral, the bucket is level front to back, and the water stays in the bucket. If you tilt your pelvis forward, the "bucket" would spilt water from your front. Follow? If you tilt your pelvis, "bucket" back you will spill the water out behind you.

So, if you're sitting in your car you'd be spilling your bucket behind you - tilting your pelvis back. It's a small movement, no one will ever know you're doing it. Just don't forget you're driving.

Next we could always squeeze our glutes. A simple squeeze and hold for ten seconds is great. Several repetitions and you'll be working on buns of steel. Don't forget you're driving, and don't hold your breath. Only squeeze your own glutes in the car. We don't want any funny business.

As the clean shaven Caravan tailgater passed me I smiled thinking his mini-van must be a mess of whiskers and goldfish crackers. Gross! I hope he made it to work without incident. I was also glad he passed me the first opportunity he got. He probably would have shaken his fist at me if he had a free hand. Next time you see me on the road, know I am not shaving my legs, but I'm likely working on my abs and glutes!


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