Friday, September 23, 2011

Too Fruity?

by Kris Pitcher

I heard an interesting term recently that I had to laugh at. Are you over fruiting? First of all is fruiting a word? We'll assume it is. This was of interest to me first because with the exception of a recent (epic) cheat meal...I couldn't tell you the last time I even ate a piece of fruit. But I'm a dieting bodybuilder - let's not forget I'm abnormal.

Secondly, it was of interest to me because I see a lot of "over fruiting" people. Programs and plans which advise you to "eat as much fruit as you like". Well, wait a minute sister! At a modest 100 calories (for a small piece) per eat 5 fruits a day and you've likely noshed 600 calories in glorious fructose.

Sure, you're getting vitamins and minerals, and even some much needed fiber. If weight management is your game, you might want to think twice about being too fruity.

A piece may work into your macro nutrient profile each day. But if you're working with 1600-1800 calories a day I'd be hard pressed to see more than one piece in your future.

These "dieters" eating 8-10 fruits per day are living on fast sugar, and lots of it. Fructose makes our brain feel great, but it doesn't do much else for us in terms of fueling smart. Take your one piece and combine it with your tablespoon of natural peanut butter, or your plain yogurt and we might have a deal.

During my recent, epic, cheat meal I enjoyed (along with my husband) a mango, an apple, and 2 bites of a banana. These were delicious. But by the time we cracked open that banana peel...I was over fruited! He gladly finished off the banana on his own. (I'll save the rest of the menu for another story.)

How much fruit are you eating? Have you added up the calories? Does it fit into your plan and your goals? Just something to check in on to see if you are over fruiting.  

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