Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You've Caught the Crud

by Kris Pitcher

Tis the season to catch the crud. The kids have had it, your co-workers have had it and now you have it too. It has made it's rounds right into your lap. And you feel awful!

If you're like most men you are close to dying. Sorry guys, but you need a lotta love to get through the common cold. We know you're tough and we'd like to give you tough love on this one. But we'll make you chicken soup instead. Just saying...

But what do you do about your workouts? You tossed and turned all night, you feel run down and you couldn't call in sick because of that meeting you HAD to be in. So now what?

It's OK to take a break. In fact give yourself a break. The general rule is you can workout if you are experiencing a head cold. Once that crud travels into your chest, all bets are off and you need to lay off too. A little cardio and some light lifting with a stuffy nose will be alright. But trying to pound it out on the treadmill while you're coughing stuff out of your lungs is no good.

You need rest, & recovery and that won't happen at the gym. Being able (mentally) to lay off your regimen while you let the crud pass will likely shorten it's stay. And you'll keep from passing it along to everyone else too.

Keep yourself healthy by getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of fluids and eating healthfully. And wash those hands frequently with soap and water. That's your first line of defense. Remember your mucus membranes? Hands off!

Let's try to get through this cold season without too much pain and suffering. Thank goodness for over the counter remedies, and chicken soup.

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