Friday, April 20, 2012

Did You Feel That?

by Kris Pitcher

What was that? Did you feel that? Was it happiness, loneliness, anger, confusion, or frustration? Those are feelings. It's OK to feel them.

One of the things that derails us faster than you can say, "Cupcake!" are our emotions. But I'm here to tell you it's normal to have emotions and it's alright to feel your feelings.

Now, I'm not going to suggest we all sit in a circle and hold hands here. Although that sounds kind of nice...

The thing is, you don't need to numb yourself from them. And you don't have to feed them away.

We are emotional creatures and we've allowed ourselves to cope with emotions and feelings by eating and drinking them away. It's socially acceptable to have a drink after a hard day, or to celebrate something great by going out for ice cream.

It hasn't served us well. So, the next time you feel something - just feel it. Let it settle, and deal with what ever is causing you to feel that way. It's a much healthier way to cope with our feelings and emotions than sabotaging our efforts.

And if you want to sit in a big cyber circle and hold hands we can, that's what we're here for!

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