Friday, April 29, 2011

Beat Belly Bloat in Four Steps!

by Kris Pitcher

Feeling full, gassy, bloated? No one likes to feel bloated, but did you know with some simple changes you can beat belly bloat?

It's true! Some of our "habits" add to belly bloat. Things like chewing gum (guilty), drinking out of straws (guilty), and not paying attention to the right things cause us to be bloaty. Yuck!

Here are four things that will beat belly bloat once and for all leaving you sleek, slim, and less bloated.

  1. Plain Yogurt - The live, active cultures in plain yogurt are just the thing - good bacteria - our gut needs for good digestive health, keeping bloat at bay.
  2. Home Grown - Grow your own herb garden to add calorie free freshness to any dish - oregano, thyme or rosemary grow nicely in the windowsil.
  3. Non-Fat Cooking - Keep your wok or pan with fat catching grooves handy for quick, slimming cooking.
  4. Lose the Diet Soda - Carbonation plus artificial sweetener equals bloat and water retention - lose it and your bloat by sticking to iced water, herbal or green tea!
A few healthy habits and you'll see a flatter belly in no time. Add your healthful eating, and exercise and look out summer! Besides the benefits to our figure, just feeling better is worth making some changes. Feel more comfortable in no time with these four simple changes. Bye bye bloat!

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