Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Maddness, Or Just Routine?

by Kris Pitcher

My morning routine is exactly the same. Every. Single. Day. Having curly hair (that photo of me, I know - straight iron) means a very precise routine following the shower. It's like decommissioning a bomb, you only have so much time before you've got a disaster on your hands (I'm not sure my husband understands this). Knowing this keeps me on track; precision towel drying, product number 1, product number 2, just the right amount of finger styling. It's a relief every time...I made it! If something gets in the way of this routine as silly as it seems, all bets are off for a good curl day.

Next it's off to the kitchen to pack meals while we air dry. Meals weighed & measured, all packed the cooler finds it's place by the door, ready to go. It's back to the bathroom for the blow dryer armed with giant diffuser. Dry hair, drink coffee. Routine. Same thing every day. What's the point?

The point is there is no guessing. And that's why it works. And I apply this to everything I do. It begins the night before when I hang what I'm going to wear on the back of the door. My gym bag is packed, no forgotten socks here - and it's waiting for me guess the door. If I have early meetings, I pack my meals the night before (those I keep in the fridge).

You're getting the idea. My morning runs smoothly because I plan it that way. My commitment to my health and fitness doesn't just happen to me, and it won't just happen to you. It happens because I plan it. More importantly, it happens because I do it. Every. Single. Day.

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