Saturday, November 20, 2010

Menu Time! Wild Mushroom Stuffing

by Kris Pitcher

Many of us will be celebrating Thanksgiving this week. A holiday full of tradition, family, and food. Traditionally heavy food that is. There are many ways to lighten up the menu if people are willing to move a little bit from the old standbys. We divided up the menu amongst the family and I'll be fixing stuffing this year.

Now, this isn't the exact recipe I'll be using...I don't want to give away any secrets to readers who may also be family members. But this is a great recipe from a wonderful website. Eating Well where you will find a whole Thanksgiving menu of ideas to replace Grandma's wiggly green jell-o & mayonnaise salad. You can also turn in those sweet potatoes covered with marshmallows for a more grown up version.

As we discussed the menu we found there are certain items people must have, and others they could do without. It's good to have these frank discussions about such deeply rooted traditions. Why just continue to have something if nobody really likes it...tomato aspic salad for instance? Mom, you're not making that are you? Best of luck at the supermarket and may you find the perfect turkey! Enjoy this recipe and the others you'll find at Eating Well. Now, I've got a few last minute items to pick up myself...

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