Thursday, November 18, 2010

Are You Getting Enough?

by Kris Pitcher

Water water everywhere. And I'm not talking about all those people who just found themselves stuck on a cruise ship for 5 days without food or, well...water. Did you know water is one of the most essential components of our body? That it's a macro nutrient? That it regulates our temperature, cushions our organs, aids in digestion? Did you know our muscles are 75% water? Water acts within each and every cell of our body to transport nutrients and dispose of waste. OK, now my internal science geek is just getting excited...

We lose water through elimination of waste, sweating, and the number one way...exhalation. That's right you big breathers, we're breathing 24/7. Replacing water means we need to be drinking water. Sounds simple, but I know people who never drink water. Never. Women need 2.7 liters (91 oz.) daily and men need 3.7 liters (125 oz.) daily through beverages 80% (preferably water) or in our food 20%. Active people (like us) need even more. Any of you lucky enough to live in a sunny place...more for you.

Dehydration can lead to muscle fatigue and loss of coordination hindering performance. We're less efficient at cooling and subject ourselves to cramping, decreased blood volume which makes our heart work too hard...heart attack. No thank you. But for most of us, just plain water will do. We don't need carby "replacement" drinks for our 30 minute treadmill hill-climb program.

Tired and head-achy? How's your water intake? Always my first questions. Most of us don't quite get enough in and it can be especially difficult in the winter months. The general rule is that caffeinated liquids don't count toward your water replacement because of the tax they put on your liver and kidneys. But herbal teas, juices (watch these liquid calories, they go down quick) and things like that do count. Paying attention to your water intake is essential to your health. Are you getting enough?  

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