Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Did You Hear That?

by Kris Pitcher
Don't worry devil, she'll listen to me!

"Those cookies aren't for us." Said the pedometer wearing angel on my left shoulder. "What about the oatmeal raisin ones?" Piped up the devil sitting on my right. "No, not even the oatmeal ones!" I said, remembering my latest body composition numbers lower than the last. This is a common occurrence as I make a cup of tea in the work room at the office. I'm sure it happens to you too. You do hear those voices, right?

But what else are those internal voices saying? What dialogue is running through your head, judging you? Calling you names? Bringing up your past? Keeping you from making progress? If your internal dialogue needs a stern talking to, here's a good place to start.

Breaking negative self-talk starts with positive affirmations. You can do this in a literal and deliberate way. Posting affirmations on your mirror, in your day-planner, on the dashboard of your car...where ever you will see them, and read them is a good starting point. Can't think of any? Try, "I am a strong and capable person, able to make decisions that will move me toward my goals." If your internal dialogue says nice things, good for you - you're the exception.

The truth is, most of us wouldn't keep a friend who said the things we say to ourselves internally. It's time to change the internal dialogue. You are your best supporter, your greatest champion...and once you believe it, you will hear it. Start believing it.  

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