Sunday, September 18, 2011

Empty Handed

by Kris Pitcher

A childhood lesson has me thinking about applicability to our exercise pursuits. As you might imagine I relate most everything to health and part of my life, it's one of the lenses I see the world through.

As I approach the final stages of contest preparation this lesson comes to mind. Don't go empty handed. This life lesson has to do with maximizing your effort. If you are making a trip from the kitchen to the bedroom and there is something that needs to be put away (like shoes) - take it with you. Simple.

As a child this lesson had a lot to do with carrying wood. If you've ever had a wood stove, you know there's always wood to be brought in...always. So, don't go empty handed.

What it means in terms of contest prep, or every day exercise and health for that matter, is don't leave anything on the table. If you can do 5 more minutes of cardio, do it. If you can follow your eating plan, do it. Don't get to your "destination" and wonder - could I have carried something more?

Be certain you have done everything possible to be your best. Be positive you have carried everything you could to get you to the point of maximum effort, efficiency etc.

Thank you Dad for this and many life lessons - I know that on contest day you'll be cheering me on. I know I will have done everything possible to be my best on that day, and I won't have come empty handed.

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