Friday, September 9, 2011

Starting Today!

by Kris Pitcher

When I heard someone say, "I'm starting today..." I just wanted to yawn and I thought - yeah right! Whoa negative Nelly! After giving myself a self-check, actually I emptied my bladder which always seems to be full, I had a whole new attitude.

We all start some day. I picked a day and started my secret diet, May 1st to be exact. Sure, I was planning before that, but I picked a day. And I started.

The more times we start something the more likely we are to complete it. So, in retrospect (of my bad attitude) this person was doing herself a great favor.

It's "starting tomorrow" which seems to get us in trouble. Tomorrow is always a day away. Always. It's never today. So starting today is a great mantra. Doing the things you need to do to start right now can be easy too. It doesn't have to be overwhelming. Just pick a few things. Make it to the gym. Cut out some refined carbs, and skip the dessert.

Changing everything all at once doesn't have to be your goal. You can make gradual changes. Pick a few things to focus on, and as you become good at those you'll want to do a few more. It's a self-feeding process. We do well, we feel well, we do well etc. See? It's a cycle.

So what will you start today? I wish her, and you success in your goals big and small - because we all start somewhere. We pick a day, and we start. Why not starting today?

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